Asian Paint Seashell texture By ColourDrive | Design Ideas, Textures Ideas & Inspiration for Home and Office Painting

Seashell Wall Texture Painting Design

Asian Paints Royale Play Green Seashell wall texture painting design for Bedroom,Dining Hall
*Please call us to check the more colour/shades availability.

Name: Seashell

Best for: Bedroom, Dining Hall

Product: Asian Paints Royale Play

Category: Royale Play Metallic

Price Rate:70/SqFt

More About Seashell Design

Seashell Wall Paint Design

Start by choosing a base color for the walls, such as a light blue or beige. Then, use a roller to apply a coat of textured paint, such as a sandy or pebbly finish. To create the seashell effect, use a sponge or sea sponge to dab on several coats of white and/or off-white paint in various sizes and shapes. To add a bit of sparkle, use a metallic paint around the edges of each of the seashells. Finally, use a sealer to protect the paint and keep it looking fresh.

Sponging texture paint reflects the sand grains effect on the wall. It reminds the sea shore's appearance in the environment.

Book Seashell Paint Design For Your Walls

Chargeable Area : 100 SqFt
Price ₹ : 7000 /-

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