Service Type: Exterior Painting, Free Hand Paint Art Locality Area: KR Layout, JP Nagar , Bangalore
Work Description
Product Used :- -Tractor Emulsion, Royale Luxury, Ace Emulsion, Ultima Apex, Enamel, Hand Polish, Royale Play, Terra coata
Work Details :- Interior Painting - Tractor Emulsion 2coat on ceiling, 2coat Royale Luxury on walls.
Exterior Painting - Ultima Apex 2coat on exterior walls, Ace Emulsion on parking Area, Terra coata on Terrace Sheet- Outer Side.
Wooden -Enamel on Doors, Windows & Grills, Hand Polish on main door and wooden pillar.
Design Painting - 2 Stencil - Branches with Butterflies, Creepers with flowers.
Service Feedback From ~ Eshwar K
Eshwar K JP Nagar 6th Phase, Bangalore 19-Dec-2018
Many things to admire about ColourDrive services. They are very responsive to queries and provide a detailed and transparent quote. Their prices are reasonable and very competitive compared to peers. They provide colour consultancy in a patient way and give helpful suggestions. They will paint how many ever sample colours you need. Painters are experienced and provide high quality output. We can be rest assured about quality of work, requiring minimum oversight. Special mention to Samyukth and Pappu for their help and outstanding customer service. I highly recommend ColourDrive for your painting needs. Good luck to the entire team.